Nomi Kaplan, Self-Portrait in Deep Snow
I was born in Lithuania, and fled with my family to Canada, to escape Nazi persecution. I’ve lived in Williamstown, Ontario, on a farm; then Windsor, Ontario, where I went to public and high school; then Montreal, where I had a lot of fun; then, in 1955, to Vancouver, where I married, had a family and continue to live and work.
I’ve been an artist most of my life, but didn’t seriously study art until all my children were in school. A late starter, but it was worth the wait. After graduation in painting and printmaking at the Vancouver School of Art, I received my first camera. From then on, I fell in love with photography and haven’t looked back.
My art has ranged from photography and sculpture to video and film. During the “Trudeau years”, I belonged to “ReelFeelings”, a women’s media collective, and “Video In”, also a collective. I gave workshops throughout North America, and taught photography at Emily Carr College of Art and Design.
Over the years, my work has featured hand-coloured photographs, sculpture, and collages, often focusing on nature. I love to have fun with my work, and as I mature, my work becomes more whimsical.
During my long career, I’ve received many grants and awards. My photographs can be found at the Brooklyn Museum, Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Edmonton Art Gallery, Washington State Arts Commission, Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Canada Council Art Bank, the Canadian Embassy, Israel, as well as private collections.
Currently, manikins and paper clips excite my attention, and I look forward to combining them in my next project. Please stay tuned.
— Nomi Kaplan